Travel Update



Flights to Scandinavia

Discover which airlines are best for flying to Scandinavia

You’ll notice we don’t include airfares in our tours. This is because you can usually save money by booking flights directly with the airlines. You can also take advantage of different airlines’ air-mile programmes or frequent flyer perks.

After reading through the information below, we recommend checking for available flights before you book your tour. After your travel consultant has confirmed your itinerary, with all your dates locked in, contact the airlines directly to book your flights.

If you need any more advice, our travel consultants are always on hand. We may be able to assist you with the process and are always happy to answer any questions. Contact us for further information.

Your Scandinavia adventure will start in Sweden or Finland. The main airports are listed below.

Airports in Sweden

Examples of major airlines that fly to Sweden:

Airports in Finland

Examples of major airlines that fly to Finland:

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